Dry Eye Treatment

What is Dry Eye Disease?

Dry Eye Disease is caused by an imbalance between the components that make up the tear film. There are many factors that contribute to dry eye disease, and therefore is a widespread issue. Unfortunately, this chronic condition cannot be cured, but symptoms can be improved through proper management. At SPEC our Ocular Hygienists offer advanced in office dry eye treatments as well as at home remedies.

Young Man Having an Eye Test Performed

What are the Symptoms of Dry Eyes?

  • Redness
  • Tired Eyes
  • Styes/Chalazions
  • Excessive watering
  • Blepharitis/Demodex
  • Burning and foreign body sensation
  • Fluctuating blurriness that improves with blinking
  • Pulling sensation or pressure in or behind the eye




What Factors Contribute to Dry Eye Disease?

  • Aging
  • Medications
  • The Environment
  • Contact lens wear
  • Prolonged digital device use
  • Eye surgeries (LASIK, cataract, etc)
  • Medical conditions, especially autoimmune disorders




How is Dry Eye Disease Diagnosed?

As part of a thorough eye examination, a screening called meibography is performed on the lower lids. The Optometrist will use these images in addition to conducting a slit lamp examination to assess the state of the meibomian glands. The meibomian glands are responsible for creating the oily layer of the tear film, known as meibum, that prevents rapid evaporation of tears. When these glands are not functioning correctly, they fail to produce enough meibum, leading to an unstable tear film.

With the information provided by our diagnostic tools and the results of your eye examination our Optometrists will recommend at home therapies or in office treatments depending on the severity of your dry eyes.

Dry Eye testing being performed with a patient. This testing provides meibography imaging of the eyelids to evaluate the condition of the Meibomiam glands to provide more thorough information before creating a treatment plan.

Dry Eye Treatments in Sherwood Park & Edmonton

This is an IPL, or Intense Pulse Light treatment, being performed to reduce inflammation and redness in the face.

What is Intense Pulsed Light? Why Do We Use IPL for Dry Eyes?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is utilized to treat pigmented and vascular skin lesions. Unlike laser treatments that use one wavelength, IPL employs a broad spectrum of light to target multiple issues simultaneously. There is usually a presence of inflammation, most commonly rosacea, in people suffering from dry eye disease. By focusing on this inflammation, IPL minimizes its  severity, thus alleviating dry eye symptoms.

Since the treatment can make the skin more susceptible to sunburns, it is crucial to use a high SPF sunscreen before and after IPL treatments. IPL treatments are not suitable for every skin type or tone. Skin typing and consultation will be provided prior to treatment.

These treatments are quite popular for the cosmetic benefits and anti-aging effects as well. Also referred to as a "photo facial," IPL enhances skin complexion and tone, reduces acne, and diminishes the appearance of age spots, vascular lesions, rosacea, freckles, and sun damage.

Our Ocular Hygienists use InMode's Lumecca for Intense Pulse Light treatments.

Radiofrequency being performed to alleviate dry eye symptoms. This treatment provides heat to the meibomian glands to help produce high quality tears.

What is Radio Frequency? Why Do We Use RF for Dry Eyes?

Radio Frequency (RF) treatments utilize energy to apply heat to both the skin and underlying meibomian glands. By maintaining a consistent temperature range of 41-43°C, the oils from the obstructed glands are broken down. This technique is more effective and precise compared to warm compresses, as radio frequency heats from the inside out.

Obstructions in the meibomian glands are responsible for causing various dry eye symptoms such as styes, inflammation, blepharitis, chalazions and an overpopulation of demodex. Failure to treat these blockages can lead to deterioration (atrophy) of the glands which is an irreversible condition.

The RF procedure is considered a safe, minimally invasive and comfortable process. Additionally, RF is suitable for use on almost all skin types and tones compared to IPL. RF is also an effective cosmetic treatment as it helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin while simultaneously tightening the skin.

At SPEC we use InMode's Forma for Radio Frequency.

What is a Lid Debridement?

Lid Debridements can be likened to an exfoliation of the eyelids. It involves using customized products to remove debris from the eye lashes, meibomian gland openings, and lid margins. This procedure effectively diminishes the accumulation of bacteria and biofilm in the eye area. The buildup of these substances can contribute to inflammation
and infections.

Group 44
Ocular Hygienist Holly

Our Dry Eye Clinic Serves the Sherwood Park and Edmonton Area

Our Ocular Hygienists, Holly and Lesley, train in providing dry eye relief through various methods such as Intense Pulse Light (IPL), Radio Frequency (RF), and Lid Debridements. Their expertise and passion for alleviating the painful symptoms of Dry Eye Disease has provided care for mild to severe cases. To discover how they can help you experience relief contact us or schedule a complementary consultation call.

Ocular Hygienist Lesley

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